The Violent Womans Report

by brendan lee sprague

First of all,

There are men who pride themselves on the feminine power of witchcraft. I mean to focus on only women in this article, or book, or lecture, though.

The "Violent Woman(s) Report"

Is an actual document I am writing to account on, and report on the violence of women in specific.

In America, this is the focus, also, because I see most of the violence stemming from us ..

I will write the names of the girls who are necessary to report on, and I will leave out all the rest hopefully.


One of the first things I am noticing, is how a male figure will adopt a false image, to pretensively influence these people or women to behave violently. If a man's name is included, it was only necessary for the sake of linking things together.

I notice that certain men, in their archetypes, are not necessarily unique, or true, they are just people, and their specific nature is their own.

One of the girls influenced by such a man is a girl I knew once called "Jade Chase."


Her father is a male witch who plays football.

I saw her with her father once, following my mother into a music shop. Needlessly, he probably purchased nothing, except to influence the effect my mother has on me.

Jade sat in the truck.

She stared at her phone contently.

At rehab, I met this girl, and she tells me, though I felt it was not true, that I "appeared to be a comic book villain" of some kind, to her, when she first drew eyes on me.

She looked as though hateful in appearance alone, to me.

She was about 250 pounds, with only dark clothes, and complained generally about everything. Also, in a phlegmy, and tear-soaked voice, she complained about me, also, when we first met.

She confessed that she and her father watched a man die of an overdose on their couch, while at rehab. The father in this situation would be Jade's father, and he was at the party she claimed to be at, also.

She was presently, when he watched him poison the "man's" drink, probably a person he truly didn't like, and the death had occurred by morning.

Jade watched as the ambulance was called, and the two, except for my "holy ears" are kept within the recess of God's judgment alone, I know this was a second-hand murder for Jade, but she is still accomplice to the crime.

A father like this is no hero.

A father like this is what you might call, a "Truly Evil Man."

His real name will be left out.

Another good example of the violence of women, or a woman in particular is my neighbor who was known as Amy Cameron.

She dejaded herself from me, early on, by stating I appeared too "mean" (I think) to talk to, so she ignored me throughout school years.

I found out, however, she was stalking me later into life.

Eventually, I was learning about how she enjoyed to send a "EMP" effect at me house, using her own personal EMP device. This alters my electricity in my house, and tampers with my own body through machines sometimes.

She had actually done this for almost 20 years to me, and my studio, when I already knew about it in high-school, but I had no way of proving it.

My mother herself, used to "need to spank me" when I was as old as six years old.

I cursed her with the number, myself.

I remember that when I was truly "first abused" by a woman in America, it was my second-grade teacher, "Misses Blaney" who I found out truly possesst such a name.

She was a witch-looking woman, who chastised me in front of the entire class, because the "bully at school" lied, and said, "I was the bully." When I was not. I also had felt a "remote feeling" to the punches I received on the school bus, I had to return one of my own, and also was called a bully by female teachers in school early on.

Women like to lie about me, I learned eventually.

I've felt the hate of such women, also, in a blonde-haired girl at my college campus, who actually tried to torture me while I was smoking weed off-campus, in the woods. She made sounds at me, and built a gang of people around the area I was smoking, to taunt me through the woods.

I never found out her name.

A girl who knew my girlfriend, "Rumi" once knew her name, I think, but the name is low lost.

My neighbors are not usually this mean, however.

My girlfriends mom, "Shauna" (or something like this) used to be pretty forceful with her foot.

She used to kick her dog in front of me.

My mother dragged my own dog across the room recently, almost ten feet, almost like she was putting on a show for me, to put the dog in the other room.*

Her name is Janice S.

I call her "Dracula" sometimes ..

My father is a good man, and is not a violent person, I think.


When I found out that teachers in my college were much nicer, I started to realize a lot of this hate was more from my home-town.

I know a girl known as "Noel" who abused sadomasochistic witchcraft, for almost twenty years on me, when I never knew why, and still do not know to this day.

Learning about a local witch cult, or the "Blonde Witch Cult" a lot of violence was quickly explained, and their own names are:

One of these girls (a clone) was the remarkably well-known female sadist known as "Semjase" a Pleiadian star-girl, so to speak, who went crazy, and became violent.

She may have killed one of her ex-boyfriends, and reacted coyly to her own meanness for weeks on Youtube, until taken down by myself and other programmers.

The Blonde Witch Coven Members (Figured Out So Far):

Emma (Blonde at dispensary)

(She would make fun of me a lot, and tortured me to my face by abusing me at the store / dispensary) ..

This I found very mean, so I began my investigation through her.

Danielle Evens (Other One) - early on exposed *She was nice, once.

Danielle lies about her belief in God constantly.

The other members are:

Michelle Pfeiffer


"Emannuel" (male witch)

Ashley Cough

Tiffany Dow

Uma Thurmon


Amanda Randell

Sarah Strout

Alyssa Watson

That guy at the ice-cream place.

"Heath" involved ..

Certain actor (Norton) involved ..

Stuart Gordon


"Maybe" Aimee Mann


Katie Dyer

Kyle Buck

Aaron Stevens (not even blonde)

Alan Simmons

Assange doesn't matter.

Drew Barrymore

Using divination.

They clone each other, and hurt men essentially. The men in the group are the socially weakest. It looks like a racist group.

I want to write a personal "Fuck You" to Stuart Gordon, for some of the worst movies I've ever seen.

I'm sorry Charlize is a bitch now.

The problem with Ricci is she likes to get raped. This is a form of abuse on the consciousness of men.

.. A lot of the people in this group are socially lacking in assertiveness.

I can tell they are racist.

The problem, most of all, is people like "Norton" who once tried to marry Michelle Pfeiffer -- his likely soulmate, because of heartless groups of people like this. Sadomasochistic lesbians, or just lesbians, I hardly can imagine such a thing is truly designed by God, or nature.

I noticed the problem was a influence from witchcraft, and the sexuality of male figures early on, but I never wanted to directly note on this ..

We all know someone like this, in times of history where certain things are abuseable.

The abuse of men through witchcraft and sadomasochistic imagery, and other forms is a trademark of cults, and bad religious abuse,

They especially think that "laughing" after they abuse someone, is funny. even after the victim is dead or totally victimized.

The sickness in the darkest form of sadism from women, in the wrath of such women, is to curse another using beverages, chemicals, food, or anything of any kind.

My mother, and certain other women, like the tactics of the darker side of the illuminati, known as the dark illuminati, have tried to taint beverages, and ruin the effect of food for years,

Using a classical technique that helps no one, and tortures nature, also.

The Earth has witnessed a lot of these crimes perpetuated through the old-souls, and old-soul abuse, from the karma of the likes of such girls as "Amber" (The Zodiac K. finally exposed), and

My own girlfriend, "Jessica" (Tracy), who is a false reincarnation of V. Clemm, or a new clone version, that has turned the other way from God.

A lot of women in California lie to each other, and brain-wash each other to each-others faces, and are lied to so much about God, that the entire state of California is becoming the national

"Non-Religious State."

I feel bad for a lot of girls in California.

The movie industry, with girls like my neighbor, who is the mother of a daughter who is herself a victim of this mean terrific form of abuse, is a girl I might've even once known,

In a previous incarnation.

The mother, a girl I called "Miss Edminson" is a woman now known as "Lissie" who is essentially a bad witch now, because of her mis-use of power in general.

I don't know where it all started, yet it seems to me that the darkness of certain groups in the world are now trying to cover up their acts using their own children,

Which is a desire from true evil, in my opinion, that has no place in the world.

The daughter of this woman is "Bethany" and she can be protected with her own name.

The goodness of other souls, also, like the re-incarnations of "now cloned" people are also on the Earth to prove this sickness realer.

I know two, or three "real" versions of modern-day clones, who are now reincarnated, and have their own full true selves alive, while the clone lives on.

People bereft of an understanding, or any logical perception of reincarnation never cared for the writing of certain artists and writers,


It has been stated, by at least one writer, such as "Edgar Poe" that "The death of a beautiful woman is the most saddest thing in the world, thus somehow beautiful."

-- When thought on enough.

I know pain from the abuse of my sisters, because of only one of my sisters, who is like the modern-day terror from the porn world known as "Bettie Paige" (must alter her name)

She is a very bad witch, and does countless forms of harm and violence on men, using psychic power, the material world, her bare hands, and all sorts and forms of voodoo and bad spellcasting.

My sister "Amy" (herself) is lucky to have a powerful husband.

The witchcraft in Maine is so-abused, in the abuse that exists in Maine, where we live is like a modern re-telling of the torture of humans once expressly existing in the world,

in Salem itself,

Where I see modern-day abuse of male witches, like a form of revenge, from vengeful women, who think they are more powerful, because of their "bad understanding of karma."

I saw this abuse from my teachers, and family, and their friends, especially a lot, since I am an artist (at least to me), and the only male in my family.

* * * * * * *

I know that the abuse does not stop, sometimes, when a woman is as crazed as an older woman, also.

When my mother tried relentlessly to lock me in a hospital, I was loudly taunted from "in the room" by bad nurses, and other things, from drugs, and various needless chemicals,

Yet the true weird thing is how someone who is not even your mother will try this also, such as my neighbor "Edith" who used a loud lawn-mower, and also the help of a

Landscaper who uses an EMP (someone I even knew at work) who is a male witch she controlled, to try and torture me in my studio, probably because I was too loud.

I wish that the abuse in America would stop.

From women who are good, I also wish for them to help stop the problem.

I think that abusiveness in America, from women, namely "of bad religious orientation" or "of no religion at all" should be questioned incredibly.

The modernday inquisition is not the FCC, and nor is it truly the court-system, or even a psychologist.

It is a police officer, or a cop.

AND it is also he, who truly sends you to jail, or hell, so rest your soul.